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Found: 10 Jun 2021 | Rating: 95/100
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Found: 10 Jun 2021 | Rating: 94/100
Food Allergies Ielts Reading Answers
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Found: 23 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
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Found: 26 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Allergy Testing: Common Questions And Answers
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Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
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Found: 13 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
Ielts Reading Allergy Testing Answers
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Found: 22 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
IELTS Reading: Food Allergies T/F/NG
Clinical presentations of allergic diseases, respiratory infections, and autoimmune conditions have similar features. Allergy and immunologic testing can help clarify the diagnosis and guide treatment. Immediate immunoglobulin E IgE and delayed T cell-mediated reactions are the main types of allergic responses. The allergens suspected in an immediate IgE-mediated response are identified through serum IgE-specific antibody or skin testing. For patients with an inhalant allergy, skin or IgE-specific antibody testing is preferred.
Found: 27 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
Academic Reading Practice Tests With Answers Free PDF 50 Test Files Part 1 IELTS Exam
In patients with food allergies, eliminating the suspected allergenic food from the diet is the initial treatment. If this is ineffective, IgE-specific antibody or skin testing can exclude allergens. An oral food challenge should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Patients with an anaphylactic reaction to an insect sting should undergo IgE-specific antibody or skin testing. Skin testing for penicillin has a high negative predictive value and can help when penicillin administration is indicated and there are limited alternatives. Testing for other drug allergies has less well-determined sensitivity and specificity, but can guide the diagnosis. Patch testing can help identify the allergen responsible for contact dermatitis. Full Text Links.
Found: 25 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Allergy Testing Ielts Reading Answers
Read the text below and answer Questions Two features differentiate redundancy from other grounds for termination. Redundancy cannot be used as a means of dispensing with a poorly performing employee, or one who has been guilty of misconduct in the workplace. Whether a position is truly redundant is a matter of business judgment for the employer. Whereas minimal modifications to a job role do not amount to grounds for redundancy, a worker who has an obsolete skill set because of the introduction of new technology, for example, can be made redundant.
Found: 18 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Collins Vocabulary For IELTS.pdf
Sometimes the reason for redundancy is obvious to employees, such as the relocation of the business to another city or province, closing down, or selling the business; but sometimes it is less obvious, such as a takeover by another firm. A company can also make redundancies in order to operate more efficiently and cost effectively, if there are financial issues leading to downsizing or if it is no longer using a certain department, for example. In some situations, a company may decide to lay off part of its workforce because it can no longer sustain some in-house services and it wants to outsource certain business functions.
Found: 9 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
IELTS Reading Sample (Academic) #3
Reasons for the reorganisation must be presented and workers must have an opportunity to have their say. The employer must take into account any feedback that employees provide. Where possible, the employer should weigh up the alternatives, such as transfer within the company or a reduction in hours. The final decision, however, rests with the employer. The notice period for redundancy will usually be stipulated in the original employment contract. In some situations, employees may wish to challenge their redundancy in court, and this must be done within 90 days of the decision. The employer must show that the redundancy was genuinely decided on commercial grounds and that there was a frank and honest consultation with the employee before the final decision was made.
Found: 25 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
IELTS Recent Actual Test With Answers Volume 2
The business must give evidence to show that the grounds for redundancy were objective, reasonable and fair. The court will then perform its own assessment of whether the restructure was necessary. Write the correct letters in boxes 21—24 on your answer sheet. Which FOUR of the following are genuine reasons for redundancy? Write your answers in boxes 25—27 on your answer sheet. A period of …………………. If employees contest their redundancy, employers must provide …………………. Section 3 Read the text below and answer Questions 28— Although a writer of crime fiction, Frederique Audoin-Rouzeau is primarily a medieval historian and archaeologist. Her detective books are immensely popular: over 10 million copies have been sold worldwide and they have been translated into 45 languages. She is a little mystified by her success — after all, it is just a hobby — and finds it quite amusing.
Found: 15 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
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It is even more paradoxical to learn that she wrote each of her novels in three weeks flat, during her annual summer holidays. Even when she took a break from archaeology to work full-time on her fiction, the first draft was still finished within the same time frame. She uses the ensuing months to polish and tidy the prose. He presents his findings to the local police, who declines to do anything about it. However, Louis, convinced that a murder has taken place, decides to focus on finding the body to which the toe belongs. Sometimes I try a bit harder, a bit of philosophy even, to improve his mind … He was much more stupid when I first got him.
Found: 8 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
Academic Reading Practice Test With Answers Free PDF 50 Test Files Part 1
The evangelists, actually unemployed historians, share a rundown house and Marc is the medieval researcher among them. Later, another of the evangelists, Mathias, the hunter-gatherer a prehistoric specialist , joins the undertaking. Ringo, a pit bull, is eventually identified as the culprit and his owner is tracked to a tiny Breton fishing village.
Found: 25 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
IELTS Simulation Test With Answers Volume 1
It is original, enthralling and witty, occasionally whimsical and surreal, but always with a delightful simplicity. She has a cast of quirky provincial characters expertly portrayed; far removed from the darkly humorous, brutally violent, hard-edged Scandinavian realism which is so widely admired these days. Vargas definitely swims against the tide of realism — there is a lack of elaborate description — no detailed depictions of the meals eaten, clothes worn, music listened to or cars driven.
Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
IELTS Exam Preparation - IELTS Reading 1 - Passage 3
This is enormously refreshing: frankly, how essential is it to know the make of a vehicle or the brand of beer? Unless, of course, it is inextricably linked to the unravelling of the plot. Comparatively speaking, the plot of this book appears at first to be a little on the light side although her bizarre characters and inventiveness keep the reader well entertained. However, the story suddenly becomes convoluted towards the end and the denouement rapidly ensues, leaving the reader feeling short-changed. It is not as ingenious or inspired as The Three Evangelists — one of her finest novels and a hard act to follow — but the well-judged inclusion of Marc leaves the reader wanting to see more of the other two evangelists. Despite some shortcomings, it is still a brilliant read and I remain a steadfast fan.
Found: 2 Apr 2021 | Rating: 90/100
Short-answer Questions - IELTS Reading Exercises
Write your answers in boxes 28—36 on your answer sheet. Fred Vargas is the 28 ……………. She has two main professions, and writing crime novels is her 29 ……………. She thinks it is funny that her fiction is so popular, in contrast to her academic writing, which does not sell so well. It took many years of research before she published her book about the 30 ……………. He enlists the help of Marc and Mathias, both 34 ……………. They end up in a small 35 ……………. In the course of their investigation, they uncover more murders and 36 ……………. The style has much in common with Scandinavian crime novels.
Found: 14 Apr 2021 | Rating: 87/100
IELTS General Practice Reading Test 25 With Answers
Allergies can occur at any time during your life, 14 usually do so before your fortieth birthday. Sometimes the symptoms are 15 slight you do not even know you have an allergy, and it may take years for an allergy to become noticeable. Sometimes it comes and 16 for no apparent reason and with no regularity.
Found: 20 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
IELTS Reading Practice Test With Answers
Write your answers in boxes 17 — 20 on your answer sheet. The maximum fine that a record company can impose is The penalty for breaking copyright laws is harsher when undertaken for 18 benefit. The music industry targets each 19 rather than each specific person downloading illegally. Appliances used in connection with illegal downloads are sold under the term Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? It is these cycles or rhythms that in part control changes in our metabolism, mood and behaviour, and even the patterns of our sleep.
Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
9 Must-Read Memoirs To Uplift Asian Stories And Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month
The circadian rhythm is the cycle that indicates when to be awake and when to be asleep. This is a daily cycle that is controlled by changes in amplitude highs and lows of light and temperature. As day turns to night, the sun sets and it becomes cooler. The triggers of less light and lower temperatures signal to the body that it is time to slow and begin the pattern of sleep. Of course, there may be many hours between sunset and the time people actually go to bed, but it is from this time that we generally become increasingly less alert and reaction times can be noticeably slower. There are a number of factors that can affect our circadian rhythm.
Found: 15 Apr 2021 | Rating: 85/100
Despite getting a good 8 hours sleep during the day, night shift workers still tend to feel drowsy for at least some of the night. This is the main factor for the increase in workplace accidents on this shift when compared to the day shift. The seasons can also affect our natural rhythm, with people having less energy during winter months when there is less sunlight and warmth to stimulate the brain.
Found: 20 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
International travel, notably when travelling in excess of 4 hours, can also have a significant effect; in extreme cases, it can take up to 7 days for your rhythm to reset due to this, a phenomenon referred to as jet lag. A similar,although milder, effect can be felt in countries with daylight savings time, when the clocks are moved forward and backward depending on the season. There are some tips for helping your body work with your circadian rhythm.
Found: 13 Apr 2021 | Rating: 89/100
Summary Answers For The IELTS Reading Test
First thing in the morning take a short walk outside or open all the curtains to get as much light as possible through the eyes and into the brain. Lighting levels that affect circadian rhythm in humans are higher than the levels usually used in artificial lighting in homes. In addition to the strength of the light, wavelength or colour of light is a factor, the best being that present in sunlight. Plan your work and other activities around the highs and lows of your temperature rhythm. Late morning is better for challenging tasks. After lunch you may feel like nodding off. Take scheduled breaks. The best time to exercise is in the late afternoon — your body temperature reaches its daily high, it is warmed up and stretched from spending your day at work. Avoid driving during sleep times. Sleepy drivers should stop for a nap — playing loud music or leaving windows open is an overrated misconception. At night, close the blinds and curtains and sleep in a dark room.
Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 93/100
CAE Reading And Use Of English Practice Test 9 |
If you work the night shift, use bright lights and music in the workplace to keep your brain alert. Wear an eye mask to block out the light when you want to go to sleep. Every human — in fact, most non-nocturnal animals — follow the basic rules of the circadian rhythm. However, we also have our own unique body clocks which control the daily changes in how we think and feel, and oversee a number of our personal characteristics such as sleep patterns. Your body clock dictates whether you are a night owl, happy to work late into the night, an early bird who prefers the morning or a humming bird, happy to work both ends of the day. Your body clock determines not only your personal sleep patterns, but also whether or not you are grumpy before you have your morning coffee, when and what you need to eat throughout the day, whether you work better In the morning or the afternoon and the best time for you to do exercise.
Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 92/100
Allergy Testing: Common Questions And Answers | Read By QxMD
It also affects physical performance, such as temperature, blood pressure, digestion, hormone levels and brain activity such as mood, behaviour, and alertness. Your body clock is what causes you to gain a few kilograms in autumn and winter time and to make it easier to lose weight in spring and summer. Being aware of a few issues can help us maintain the best rhythms for our body docks, but there are some tips and tools for that can help. Keeping to the same bedtime routine and wake-up schedule, even on your days off, is particularly important — there should be no more than a few hours difference in the time you go to bed.
Found: 11 Apr 2021 | Rating: 88/100
IELTS MASTER | IELTS Reading Test 42
Avoiding interruptions to your sleep is also very important. If there is intermittent, irregular noise, use a fan or any white noise devicethat generates calming sounds. This is particularly important for night shift workers, for whom daytime noises are generally louder; soft, background noise can help drown out daytime activity noises. Eat small frequent meals to help stoke your metabolism. Eat most of your energy foods earlier in the day and avoid eating a heavy meal near bedtime. Avoid all-nighters, like studying all night before an assessment. Cutting back on sleep the night before may mean that you perform less well. Reduce changes to your work shift, such as changing from night shift to day shift. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes before sleep time. If you feel sleepy during the day, take a short nap. Set an alarm so you sleep for no more than about 20 minutes.
Found: 14 Apr 2021 | Rating: 91/100
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